A strong majority (90%) of Protestant churches in the U.S. continue to hold Wednesday night activities, according to a LifeWay Research report published Sept. 10.

Small group adult Bible study was the most common midweek activity, with 58% of all Protestants pastors saying their congregation did so.

By comparison, 53% said they had Wednesday night student ministry / youth group gatherings, 48% children’s activities, 45% prayer meeting, 39% choir or worship team rehearsal, and 33% an evening worship service.

Only 10% of respondents reported having no midweek gathering.

Pastors of congregations with weekly Sunday morning worship attendance under 50 were most likely to report not having Wednesday night events, with 31% doing so.

Baptists were the most likely denomination to have midweek activities, with only 2% reporting no Wednesday night gathering, followed closely by Pentecostals (3%) and Church of Christ (4%).

Presbyterian/Reformed pastors were most likely to report no Wednesday events (19%), followed by Methodists (18%) and Lutherans (15%).

The margin of error for the survey is plus-or-minus 3.2%. The full report is available here.