Myles Werntz is the T.B. Maston Chair of Christian Ethics at Logsdon Seminary at Hardin-Simmons University in Abilene, Texas.

  1. Where did you grow up?

Shreveport, Louisiana.

  1. What is your favorite verse, book or story in the Bible? Why?

John 6:67-68. After some difficult teaching, the crowds leave and Jesus asked his disciples, “Are you leaving to?” To which Peter replies, “Where else would we go? You alone have the words of eternal life.”

The call of Christ is often bewildering, but what is there to do but follow?

  1. What is your favorite movie? Why?

“Steel Magnolias.”

It’s set close to my hometown, and it’s never not funny.

  1. Who are three people you admire?

Kathy Werntz, my mom; David Werntz, my dad; and Jimmy Carter.

  1. What is one little-known fact about yourself?

I’m a former marathoner.