Benjamin Franklin once quipped, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interests.”

Charged with securing French funding for the American Revolution, Franklin understood investment strategies based upon the potential for social transformation.

France did not invest in the “Glorious Cause” because they expected an immediate return; they invested in the American Revolution hoping for a new global reality that would bring endless possibilities.

At, we are working extremely hard bending the arc of the moral universe toward justice.

We understand that the work of ethics and social justice does not always bring immediate change, but with each educational article, engagement opportunity, and empowerment endeavor, the arc bends closer to the justice that God seeks to secure on earth as it is in heaven.

Therefore, during August, we are seeking to partner with social justice investors.

Individuals, churches, foundations, organizations and institutions can invest in the critical work of ethics and social justice.

There has never been a more important time to support, as we seek to provide a safe environment for thought-provoking material and productive dialogue.

At the first of the year, the board of directors adopted a new organizational philosophy. The “E3 Initiative” seeks to educate, engage and empower our partners within the critical matters of ethics and social justice.

We educate by providing insightful columns each day at We engage through dialogue addressing the most pressing issues facing churches. We empower through providing a social justice network that offers support, encouragement and resources.

Over the first part of 2018, has engaged important topics such as Baptist women in ministry, LGBTQ inclusion in the church, immigration (including DACA, the DREAM Act and family separation at the border), Baptist-Muslim relationships, Baptist World Alliance’s annual gathering, racial tensions across the country, gun violence, theological malpractice within the #MeToo movement, environmental concerns, polarization in politics, destructive rhetoric and the need for civil conversations, and many more critical issues.

We also announced this week two new series focused on engaging the next generation of church leaders. engages these issues through the generosity of our social justice investors.

Individuals, churches, foundations, organizations and institutions are the foundational blocks that support our work.

In addition to our current partners, we are constantly looking for new partnerships and relationships that help extend our work.

As one of the smallest organizations in Baptist life, has very little overhead and uses every dollar for the benefit of our mission.

While this is an advantage for us, the work has grown so significantly over the last year that we need to expand in order to provide more extensive analysis and commentary.

We have future development planned, such as expanding our video productions, adding a podcast and eventually launching a social justice grant program, but without adequate capitol, we will not be able to develop these new endeavors. We need more social justice investors to make these dreams a reality.

Significant social change can only be achieved when good people work together for a common cause.

Muhammad Yunus, in championing micro-lending to the poor, suggested, “Changes are products of intensive efforts.”

At, we are working very hard to advance the common good for all of God’s creation.

As a social justice investor, you can rest assured that we will work intensely to make certain the voiceless are heard, the hidden are seen, and the powerless have someone representing them.

In other words, we are following the words of Jesus when he challenged his followers to love and advocate for the least of these.

As seeks to broaden our advocacy and partnerships, we hope you and your organization will consider supporting our mission.

If you decide to be a monthly investor, will send you a free T-shirt with our new logo.

It’s a crucial time to support ethics and social justice, so let’s work together to shine the light of Christ into a dark world.

Editor’s note: Individuals who sign up during August to make monthly donations to support will receive a free T-shirt.