To deal proactively with the harsh reality of war, we should say our prayers, support our troops, exercise our freedom and stand firm in our faith.

Although there are diverse voices and convictions around the world, and especially within the community of faith, concerning the use of military force, our commitment to freedom is non-negotiable.

Whether we favored continued negotiations or military intervention, we are now called on to face the sobering reality of military action. During these crucial days, our anxiety level will be high, but we must not be dominated by fear. We must approach these days with patience, courage and faith.

Consider the following suggestions as you prepare emotionally and spiritually for these days.

Designate times for prayer. Although we are to “pray without ceasing,” or remain in a spirit of prayer at all times, designating specific times for prayer encourages our discipline of praying. Pray for our national and international leaders, for our military personnel and their families, and pray for our enemies. Many local churches and prayer chapels are open daily to provide a quiet place to pray.

Stay informed. You may keep abreast of recent events in the military campaign through television, radio, newspaper and the Internet. However, don’t “tune in without ceasing.” Constant bombardment of media images may distort your perspective. Choose certain times of the day to tune in and catch up on war coverage.

Continue your routine. To continue your routine sends a message of unity, a testimony of faith, and a resolve to triumph over regimes of terror. To radically change your spending habits, your travel schedule or your recreational activities could adversely affect the economy, lower national morale and encourage freedom’s adversaries.

No one knows how long the war will last, how many casualties each side will incur, or what the days ahead will bring. We only know that to deal proactively with the harsh reality of war, we should say our prayers, support our troops, exercise our freedom and stand firm in our faith.

Barry Howard is pastor of Brookwood Baptist Church in Birmingham, Ala.