I heard someone discussing the psychology of “moral elevation” recently.
By that they meant that just as anger, disgust and depression can be triggered by reactions to negative things said and done by ourselves and others, so we can be affected in the positive direction by morally uplifting actions.
The speaker went on to say that emoting over society, one’s circumstances or feelings may lead us downward.
We can choose to act in a more uplifting way. And these actions impact others.
This election was a difficult one for the U.S.
Christians were divided like everyone else between the two personalities.
One sign of maturity in a human being is when you understand that someone else can see things differently than you and it doesn’t mean they are stupid or racist or, on the other hand, blind and deceived.
Life is complicated. Societies are complex. Our democratic system allows us to vote, it follows certain rules, and when it’s over, we abide by the decision.
We are still free not to like it or support it, work to continue advocating what we wish. Protest, write letters to Congress, join an organization, feed the needy, contribute to what you believe in.
You will start to feel better, and you will lift the mood of the nation. But engage life, get off Facebook, turn off cable news and start living again.
I appreciate President Obama and Secretary Clinton offering their recognition of President-elect Trump and the decision of the American people. Leadership is hard enough without continuing the election past its end.
To people who are afraid, I encourage them to join me in remembering this is America. Whether I agree with you or not, you get to feel the way you feel and say what you need to say. It’s called the First Amendment.
I will defend you, whatever your religion or none at all, because the U.S. Constitution guarantees that freedom and our forefathers and mothers sacrificed for that freedom.
I also invite us to turn from talking and anger to constructive and morally elevating acts. There is so much for us to do to make our country a good place.
Pray for our new leaders, continue speaking your mind and engage in “morally elevating acts.” We can make a choice to be zealous in acting for the common good.
Gary Furr is pastor of Vestavia Hills Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama. A version of this article first appeared on the church’s Pastor’s Page and is used with permission. His writings can also be found on his blog, The Flatpickin’ Pilgrim’s Progress. You can follow him on Twitter @FurrGary.
Gary Furr is pastor of Vestavia Hills Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama.